
I came home today to find this wonderful surprise waiting for me! My blog officially has 500 followers! I want to give all of you a big thank you for following me and my blog in this journey. Since I have so many new followers, I’m going to refresh the new-comers (welcome!) with a bit about me.

My name is Abigail, most people call me Abi, and I’m thirteen years old. I started my blog to share my passions with the world–sewing, beauty, yoga, healthy living, fashion, and so much more! You’ll find a variety of topics on my blog, with a bit of a quirky writing style. I live with my family & dog, and have a love for mango strips and nature.

I know I’ve already said it, but life is short y’all, and we need to say thank you as much as possible. So: thank you. Thank you for commenting, liking, following, or doing all of the above. It makes my day. And, thank you for just being here, for taking the time to read my posts in the first place. I’m so glad you’re here! ❤


53 thoughts on “500 Followers!

  1. Congratulations Abi! I bet when you started blogging you never thought you’d have so many! I remember when I started and I was giddy when I got 5 followers and one of them was my mum!!
    Keep up the good work, I love catching up on what you’re up to! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, I love your blog too! I remember starting my blog and barely knowing what a follower was..haha! I’m so happy that my blog has grown. Thank you for being a part of the journey!

      Liked by 1 person

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