The Gratitude Tag

The Gratitute Tag.jpg

To quote Thomas S. Monson, “Have an attitude of gratitude.” Isn’t that a great way to live by? The world needs more gratitude, y’all. The other day, I thought, “Why not make a WordPress tag like that?” So I did. Within a few minutes, I whipped up a blog graphic to go along with it.

As you can see,  it’s called The Gratitude Tag, the most original name that I’ve ever coming up with! (Just kidding). Here are the rules:


  • List five things that you’re grateful for. Try to think out of the box!
  • Nominate five other bloggers to do the tag.

The rules are easy as could be! I’ll start it off.

  • I’m grateful for a good book an a rainy day.
  • I’m grateful for yoga and YWA.
  • I’m grateful for all of you amazing followers! Thank you for following me in this journey.
  • I’m grateful for nature & snow.
  • I’m grateful for the Internet! (I had to.)

-Nominated Bloggers-

For this tag, I’m nominating:

May Everly



Alice and the Adventure


And there we have it! A new tag to spread over WordPress. 😉 Thanks for reading! Before you go, I would love to hear something that you’re grateful for in the comments!




27 thoughts on “The Gratitude Tag

  1. Wait, you started this?! You made up this?! That’s amazing! I absolutely love love love the graphic design that you’ve made up! Thank you so much for nominating me. I will definitely get to this soon. Thank you so much Abigail, wonderful job!!


  2. Are you LDS? I saw the Thomas S. Monson quote and…I always love meeting other Mormons, so… Also, the blog tag sounds great! It’s such a nice idea to share what you’re grateful for and spread a little more gratitude and cheer throughout the blogosphere!


      1. Ah, okay! (Mormons are Christians, too. Just a different kind. 😛 ) What denomination are you? I’m just rather curious about other religions…so you may get some questions from me…


      2. Oh, okay! I don’t know very much about Mormons, so that’s interesting. 🙂 We usually identify as Lutheran, but my family doesn’t have a particular denomination! 🙂


      3. That’s all right, no worries! (And if you ever want to know more, I’m always open to answering questions. 😉 )

        Ahh, that’s cool! I don’t know much about Lutheran…it’s part of the Protestant movement, right?


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