Why I Workout

Hello, and happy Monday! How are you? I’ve been a bit behind on posting, but no worries, I have some awesome content coming your way, so stay tuned. Let’s get into the post!

Well, it’s that time of year, when people are flocking to their gym, treadmill, or yoga mat, to get ready for summer, to get the glorious bikini body that everyone seems to want! Recipes on eating healthier and getting smaller are popping up online, swimsuits are showing up in stores, and people are working out harder, faster, and longer.

But around this time of year, I always find myself wondering why? Why are there so many workout videos on Youtube on how to get the perfect bikini body? And what is the perfect bikini body, anyway?


For me, this season isn’t about getting ready for summer. Track & Field started a couple weeks ago for me, and I’ve spent this month sweating and working out every day! Track is really fun, but it’s also extremely hard and competitive. You need to give everything you have, and make sure you’re giving 110% so you’ll do well at meets.

What I’ve always loved about track is that it’s about YOU. If I lose in a race at a track meet, I can’t blame it on the team or the coach, because if I lose, I’m responsible. Yes, I’m on a team, and yes, we support each other! But in the end, it comes down to how hard you work and how fast you are.

I’ve learned to love this mindset, and I wish that anyone that struggles with confidence of their appearance would adopt this mindset as well. There is no “perfect” body, and there is no perfect way to workout. Humans are made to move. Slow or fast, we were made to workout and take care of our bodies and be healthy. And I think that’s more important than focusing on trimming your body down so it looks good in a bikini.


Even if I didn’t do track, I would still run and workout. Some days I’m exhausted, some days it’s really hard for me to keep running or keep working out, and sometimes my muscles are trembling. But I forget to work out early in the day, I’ll work out in the night. Even if it’s 9:00 and all I want to do is relax, I’ll roll out my mat, start a timer, and workout.

Why? Because I love it. Honestly, I do. I love the feel of sweat rolling down my back and my muscles straining. I love the feeling of satisfaction when I beat boys in arm wrestling or racing. I love proving people wrong, I love showing people that girls are strong. I workout so when someone asks for “a few strong boys to help”, I can jump up and help also.

I’m not dissing anyone that works out because they want to look good for summer. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with that. But make sure you’re working out to look good for yourself. Work out because you want to be proud of your hard work.

This was a short post, but it’s something that I have been wanting to post about for a while. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope I haven’t offended anybody, because that was not my intention. If you’re reading this, just remember that you are a beautiful, amazing person. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

Why do you work out? 


55 thoughts on “Why I Workout

  1. “Why do I work out?” I … don’t. So I suppose I should turn this around: “Why don’t I work out?” Because I’m a lazy person who doesn’t care if I die young of my unhealthiness. *shrugs*

    Really, though, ignore my morbid sense of humor. I guess I just don’t really enjoy working out because it’s boring for me. Not ’cause it’s not challenging. I’m in terrible shape, so working out would be tough. I really enjoy the satisfying feeling of getting sweaty and such, which happens when I play soccer or basketball (or some other sport), but I don’t enjoy the sports unless I get to play them with someone. I guess I’m just too lonely to workout. 😉

    Also, I don’t want to give my mom the satisfaction after having teased her about all her little exercising videos and stuff for years. 😛

    But really, I have no excuse! I’m just lazy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re not lazy!! I bet if you really wanted to workout and put your mind to it, you could get in shape. But if you don’t want to get in shape, no worries! It’s all good! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I do gymnastics and I love it. When you learn a new skill, it’s like proof that you have worked hard and that’s what motivates me. Great post Abigail xx

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Short answer: I don’t. Honesty, my “work out” currently consists of whatever torture our PE teacher is putting us through. But when I do work out, it’s usually biking or yoga. Yoga is just really calming

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Here’s my answer for you: Because I love it! I run twice daily and play hockey once a week, I love the feeling.
    I love this post too Abigail!
    ~Emily x

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  5. I COULD NOT say it better. Sure, you can work for a bikini body! But don’t work out just so you’ll look good — make sure you feel good too! And I WISH I could run every day! I would love to join track, but I’m not fast enough. 😛 And I really would like to work out more often too! I find myself sitting at the computer waaay too long. Maybe summer!

    Love this post, Abi!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I work out to help with my depression, PCOS and to improve my self esteem! I feel better about myself on days I work out, even if my weight doesn’t change. The act of moving, sweating and finishing something is so rewarding! I’m not the best at being consistent but am working on it. I actually talked about it in my last post!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. What a great perspective on working out! I struggle with getting myself up and moving, but it’s so important to make time to keep your body in good health. This was insightful, thanks Abi!

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