not good enough | summer series #2

Hello & welcome back. I hope you’re all having a great summer so far! I haven’t been very active in the WordPress community, but I’m going to try and go through and read all of your amazing posts!

Let’s get right into the post, shall we?


I’ve wanted to write this post for a few weeks. I just haven’t been able to put my thoughts together. But now, I feel like it’s time to get these words off my chest and share these thoughts with all of you!

So, I’ve been missing in action. There’s no use giving excuses and saying I’m busy, because I haven’t been busy. I’ve lost motivation.

Every day, I wake up feeling like this will be the day. Today, I’m going to take new photos and write new blog content. And I haven’t done it. I’ve taken out the camera, only to put it back again. I’ve started drafts on WordPress and deleted them a few minutes later.

Every time I go to do something, this thought repeats itself in my mind: you’re not good enough. Your blog isn’t good enough. It doesn’t look good. Any photos that you take will look awful.

We’ve all been there. All you have to do is push the thoughts aside, right? But I still hesitate. Because it’s true, my photos are never going to perfect. And my blog is never going to be perfect. So, why am I bothering?

Oh, and it’s not just blogging. If you’ve gone through something similar to this then you’ll know that whenever you mess up on something, the taunting voice in your head will repeat you’re not good enough. 

So I put blogging aside. I put aside doing the thing I loved. I haven’t been on my blog in a while, because I couldn’t even stand to look at it. I haven’t been reading other blogs either, because my brain keeps reminding me of my failure to put up new posts, while other bloggers are constantly posting a few times a week.

But, I’m not doing that any longer. I love taking photos, so I’m going to take photos. Who cares if they look bad. I love writing posts, so I’m going to write posts, and try my hardest to make my content better and better every day.

If any of you have been through this, or are going through these feelings of doubt, let me say this: you are good enough. You right where you need to be. Some days you’re going to feel like you can’t do anything right, and those are the days when you will become stronger.

So. I’m going to try my hardest to post more, to be more active. I’m sharing all this with you, not for sympathy, but I feel like when bloggers share things about themselves, we all grow together! We truly are one big community, and I hope that you know right now, you are enough. You are enough. Let those words replace the doubt.

Everything gets worse before it gets better.



31 thoughts on “not good enough | summer series #2

  1. I’m glad you’re able to push past those thoughts Abigail! We all sometimes get that nagging voice popping up uninvited trying to bring us down, blog related or life related. It’s good to talk about it and encourage one another to keep going and that we’re doing great 😄

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes, you are good enough! I definitely go through those periods when I never feel good enough, but after time I can go back to feeling good enough again.
    This was so inspiring ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I couldn’t agree more! I have recently been in that state of mind, and still feel like that sometimes. But I have been reminding myself that you can’t get better at blogging if you don’t blog xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so true–you’ve got to keep posting no matter what! I’m sorry that you’ve been in that state of mind as well, but I’m glad that you are still going to keep blogging. x

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Loved this post❤
    It’s a shame to hear how you feel about your blog, always remember that you are good enough and your blog is good enough and I’m glad to hear you’re not giving up, and giving your blog another go xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Such a strong post, Abigail! We’ve all been there, lacking motivation and simply insecure about our posts. But I think the key is to stay true to yourself. Blogs are succesful because of their personality, and so is yours! WE lvoe the content you write because of your personal touch to it. So it kind of doesn’t even matter that much what you write, as long as it’s truly from your heart! I’m still a big fan of your blog and can’t wait for more! 🙂
    much love, elena

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  6. I love this post, I recently talked about self love & appreciation and this definitely ties into this. You are good enough, your content is great and everyone loses motivation now and then. It is good you realize that you can always do better, this was very real and inspiring. Keep it up 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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