No-Bake Chocolate & Nut Treat

Hello, hello! Welcome back to another post!

I have a super fun treat to share with you guys today. In my opinion, anything that includes chocolate and nuts and doesn’t need to be baked is the best thing ever.


Take a look at these! Some people call this treat cowpatties, but that’s gross (sorry, but it is). This treat takes 10 minutes, needs only a few ingredients, and creates a small amount of dishes. Could it be easier?



  • One bag of dark chocolate chips
  • Nuts of your choice (I used peanuts and almonds)
  • Coconut (optional)

IMG_1717.jpgBegin by placing your chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl. You may not need the full bag, it depends on how many you want to make and how many nuts you have. Just in case, I used the whole bag, because I wanted to have an extra-chocolatey treat.


Next, microwave the chocolate for as long as it needs until it is smooth & fully melted. You will need to mix the chocolate chips every 30 seconds to make sure the chocolate does not clump together.

I unfortunately didn’t get any pictures of the process, but all you do now is mix the nuts together with the chocolate. I just used a regular spoon to plop them on a tray lined with wax paper.


This is how they looked! I put coconut on some of them for a nice garnish.

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Put the tray in your freezer for 10 minutes, and then voila! You have a yummy treat that will disappear from the tray quickly! Make sure you store them in the fridge, not the freezer. My family ate these in a day, they’re so good. These treats are also guilt free! The dark chocolate and the nuts are healthy, so don’t worry!

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Thank you for reading, I’ll catch ya on the next post! Have a fantastic day!

Have you made these before? Do you prefer dark chocolate or milk chocolate?



40 thoughts on “No-Bake Chocolate & Nut Treat

  1. Oh yum, those look heavenly! And your pictures are gorgeous, especially with the raspberries. Mmm… I’m imagining adding a little caramel to it with a teensy bit of sea salt sprinkled on top–yum! (Of course, they probably wouldn’t be as healthy, haha.)

    I generally like milk chocolate more, but in something like this I’d definitely go for dark chocolate. Thanks for sharing! I might make these sometime–they’re so easy! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. They look great. My whole family would love those. Only thing is we found out I’m allergic to nuts not that long ago. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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