How To Make Your Blog Posts Stand Out

How To Make Your Blog Stand Out .png

Hello & welcome back to another post! Since I really enjoy writing posts on blogging, I have another one of those for you today.

Let’s say you’re scrolling through the WordPress Reader. Your eyes naturally go to the posts with interesting titles and good pictures, right? You’re more likely to click on the posts that look appealing. Now let’s flip this around. Naturally, you want your blog to look appealing so other people will want to read your posts! Because when your posts stand out, people are more likely to follow your blog and be involved in it.

So, in today’s post, we’re going to be talking about how to make your posts stand out. Ready? Let’s get into it!


-Have A Specific Title-

When you have a title that’s specific and relevent, people are more likely to click on your post! Slow down on the emojis and symbols and make the title look neat and clean.


-Have Well-Taken Bright Pictures-

The lighting, camera, props, etc is super important if you want well taken photos! If you’re using your phone, make sure you edit the pictures so they’ll be sharper and brighter. Use natural lighting as well, it makes a big difference! And try to use a good background (I really like using my white table) and lay out the props so they’ll look aesthetically pleasing. Here’s a post on how I take my pictures.


-Have Your Post Be Well Written & Helpful-

Each of your posts should always benefit your readers in some way! Doing a makeup post? Share a bit of advice on your makeup! Is your post about your favorite hairstyle? Well, share how to do it as well. Or, maybe your post is all about you, and that’s okay! However, you should ask your readers a question at the end or do something so they’ll feel like they gained something from reading the post, and feel involved.

Well, that’s a wrap for this post, but stay tuned because I have a lot more awesome posts coming your way. Thank you for reading!

What are your tips for making posts stand out from the crowd?



37 thoughts on “How To Make Your Blog Posts Stand Out

  1. I think title is the most important! I notice I gained 3 times more views on post with interesting title. Ex: Cherry Blossom on your eyes: XXX palette. Instead of Review of XXX palette.
    I am saving up to get a camera! I want to take clear pictures. I am thinking to make some Gif for some makeup swatches, but I am not sure if it will take forever to load a page.
    Do you have a professional camera? Which one?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, your title is totally important and can really increase your views! Oh, that’s awesome! Cameras will really help make your photos look better. I use a Canon camera, I’m not sure what it is exactly but I really love it!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. These are so true and great tips, Abigail! I couldn’t count how many times I clicked a post only to have it totally full of emojis. I hate that, because it seems so unprofessional to me!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. No not at all, don’t worry. I’m doing a blogging series on that topic. I feel like we all realized how it is the best to blog and have successful blog. I’m glad that more bloggers are talking about this because it is really helpful. xx

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for this, Abigail! I really need it. I never know how to make my posts stand out, but I definitely do my best. I think mostly I try to do titles that are kind of interesting and make sure I divide up the paragraphs so it’s easy to read. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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