Morning Routine + Abs Workout

Happy International Women’s Day! How are you? (I’m pretty good, thanks for asking!)

My morning routine was requested by a few people in my evening routine post, so without further ado, let’s jump right in.

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It always depends on the day, but I usually wake up around 7:00 to 7:15. On some days, I have to get up at 6:00, and on weekends I sleep in until 8:00 or 9:00.


After making my bed, the first thing I do is workout. I usually go for a HIIT run on my treadmill, but if I don’t have time, I’ll do a quick workout on my abs. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with my abs, and I made a quick workout that I do every day. It may look easy, but trust me, your heart will be pounding by the end. Be sure to try it out and let me know how it goes for you!

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When I’m done with working out, I eat breakfast. I usually have either toast, fruit, or cereal. Sometimes all three, if I’m really hungry. 😉 Breakfast is the foundation of your day, so it’s important to eat something healthy and filling.

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I try to fit this in every morning. I write down a to-do list in my planner and check my email & WordPress. This is the calm part of my morning where I can plan for the day and jot down some post ideas.

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After showering, brushing my teeth, doing my hair, and getting dressed, I put on some makeup. Most days, I just wear mascara and blush to feel put together. When I’m going out in public, I’ll put on a layer of Erase Paste to hide my blemishes, but heavy makeup like foundation and eyeshadow is reserved for special days. But since I don’t really need makeup, I don’t wear a lot. (Or own a lot, for that matter.)

One more thing before you go–my blog has over 800 followers now! Gosh, that’s pretty cool. Thank you so much!

If you would like to share your morning routine or if you have a morning routine post on your blog, let me know! I hope you have a great rest of the day. Thank you for stopping by.


37 thoughts on “Morning Routine + Abs Workout

  1. Ooh, loved this post! And you’re so lucky to have time to do all that. 😛 Oh goodness, up-downs are what my dance studio makes us do when we leave a lot of trash there at rehearsals. XD What are Russian twists? And OMG WE HAVE THE SAME ALARM CLOCK!!! XD
    (P.S. Have you made your writing project for Camp NaNo yet? Once you do, I can invite you to our cabin, with Rift and Astro. 😉 )


  2. Love this post so much, I’m really glad you’ve done it too because I was looking forward to it! I also giggled at the fact that you’ve answered the “how are you” question! I love that you’ve added your ab workout and you’ve made it look so pretty! Lovely post, as always!


  3. I’m totally trying out that ab workout tomorrow morning! Can I just say… I’m SO glad I found your blog! I’ve loved every one of your posts since I followed you last week :).


      1. Oh, I beat you with 5:15! But then again, you’re home schooled and I’m not so I get the leisure time! I had it last year!


    1. Thanks! I have totally seen a result. I do this twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, since it doesn’t take much time and doesn’t require any equipment. (So, no excuses!) If you don’t have a lot of time, I also love the Blogilates 3 Minute Abs workout. Here’s the link, it’s a video: It’s super intense but it works wonders. My abs are more defined and harder, and I’ve been doing it for about a week.

      If you try it, let me know how it works for you! Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Great post! I love reading morning routines! Congratulations to 800 followers! That’s amazing and well deserved! I’ll try your work out, but I’ll have to google what flutter kicks are… 🙂
    love, elena


  5. Wow well done for getting on with your fitness routine as soon as you wake up! I can’t do it, I need to have breakfast first and then wait at least an hour or 2! 😬 I bet you feel so much better afterwards 🙂 Monica x


    1. Thank you! Hmm, my number one trick is to put my alarm clock across the room so that I’m not tempted to hit the snooze button. Also, if you have an alarm clock, start waking up a few minutes earlier than usual so your body can adjust slowly. For example, wake up at 6:30 one day and 6:15 the next day. 🙂 Hope this helps!!

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